Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Celerra datamover group file doc bug

We're testing NFSv4 which requires a user/group database (either local files or LDAP/NIS) on the datamover.

Username/UID mapping was working properly, but group/GID mapping was not.

The Celerra Naming Services (6.0) doc on page 21 lists the format of the group file as:


But the proper format includes a field for the group password:


The password field is often blank (x).

Hope this helps someone else avoid the hassle we ran into.

1 comment:

  1. The amount of the unique wager then goes on one of many cards, and an equal amount must be positioned as a wager on the opposite card. The 파라오바카라 player first plays the hand to their left by standing or hitting one or more of} times; solely then is the hand to the right played. The two arms are thus handled separately, and the supplier settles with every by itself deserves. With a pair of aces, the player is given one card for every ace and will not draw once more. Also, if a ten-card is dealt to certainly one of these aces, the payoff is equal to as} the wager (not one and one-half a minimum of} one|to 1}, as with a blackjack at some other time).
